January 16, 2025
The first LAS meeting this year will be at Pinocchio’s Incredible Italian, 210 Ken Pratt Blvd., Ste. 260, Longmont, CO 80501 on January 16 starting at 6 pm. We have had annual banquets for many years but that tradition was interrupted by covid. This is a social occasion; there will not be a speaker and it will not be available online. We will have a quick election of officers.
This is not a buffet style meal; you just order from the menu and pay for your own. See Pinocchio’s menu at https://www.pinocchioslongmont.com/menu . A 20% gratuity is required as we have an area reserved. Note that there are lots of choices, the prices are reasonable and the food is great (in my opinion). I must tell them how many people are coming. Send an email to vern@raben.com and let me how many people will be in your group no later than noon on Monday, January 13. I’ll try to have badges for everyone so please list the name of each person in your group.